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Welcome to the Magnificent Abundance Manifestor!

The Magnificent Abundance Manifestor is the digital home for high-vibe Magnificent Abundance Manifestors whether it is in your personal finances, relationships, business and life overall.

Manifesting is about bringing our desires born in our mind and from a state of idea and dream into our tangible reality. It requires several components starting from the energy you vibrate at, your mindset, belief and connecting to the light/source/divine energy and removing blocks to taking inspired tangible action with a solid actionable strategy.

My name is Sabrina Antou and I am here to help you create the life you want, take away your pain and empower you to the point that you are flying free from your sorrows and operate at such a high frequency that life becomes an overflow source of joy, pleasure and orgasmic bliss.

Identifying blocks to manifestation is Sabrina’s super power and she will use her shamanic healing skills to help you manifest what you desire at a quantum pace.

This is for you particularly for you if you are going through a tough time and you have been looking for a while to have a breakthrough in your life and despite the various attempts, results have been minimal and disappointing and you are truly ready for change.

This is also for you if you want to expand even more and you want all the help you can get to reach your next level with ease and flow.

Examples of issues for which clients have reached out to me for healing and support: feeling like hitting a wall, going through a divorce, attracting the right investors for capital raising for start up, achievement of a business project resulting into being allocated further projects, feeling purposeless in life and wanting to find excitement for life again, improving performance as a trader, attracting the right romantic partner, feeling numb to life and wanting to experience more, leaving a toxic marriage, improving relationships between husband/wife, child anger, feeling depressed and anxious etc.

Sabrina, Magical Shamanic Healer and Intuitive Manifestation Coach

Check out how I can help you specifically by bringing magic into your life, what those who have been working with me are saying and last but not least get your free healing session and some further magical free fairy dust.

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